Ballroom Competition Planning and Execution
Development Roadmap
Following is the lead developer's roadmap for the forseeable future. Updates will be made to this document occasionally, the compinabox-discuss mailing list will contain more frequent updates. Other developers are encouraged to set their own schedule, but pay attention to Eric's beta/live code roll out dates if you want your patches to be incorporated in a timely manner. This is especially important during the academic year while competitions are open, or if your patch requires a schema change.
Eric uses a June to May Development calendar because of the realities of the hosting cycle of competitions with more "intense" development in the summer and minor bug fixes or long term branched development/proof of concept development during the academic year. Tasks are assigned to spirals, with spirals being assigned to increments. Generally speaking only complete increments are rolled out to the live servers.
June 2005-May 2006 Development Roadmap
Increment 1: CIB Central services
Increment Deadlines
- Feature Freeze: July 15thJuly 1st, 2005
- Beta Rollout: July 1st8th ,2005
- Live Rollout: August 1st, 2005
Beta Test delayed for a 7 day delay in DNS switchover
Spiral 1: Result Tracker, Team Management, Announcements, New Theme
Details of this spiral have been moved to the Development History Archive.
Spiral 2: Team Management, User/"person" sychronization
Details of this spiral have been moved to the Development History Archive.
Increment 2: Registration Improvements
Increment Deadlines
- Feature Freeze: August 15st, 2005
- Live Rollout: September 1st, 2005
Spiral 1: SlidingDoors — Password
Details of this spiral have been moved to the Development History Archive.
Spiral 2: SlidingDoors — Bugs
Details of this spiral have been moved to the Development History Archive.
Increment 3: Academic Year
The entire academic year is listed as a single increment. Typically only bug fixes are rolled forward to the live server while competitions are underway. In the event of the development of some critical new feature, a release plan can be considered. If additional developers join and would rather a different spiral scheduling,we can discuss that (ie avoiding crunch times near exams, etc)
Increment Deadlines
- Feature Freeze: May 1st, 2006
- Live Rollout: June 1st, 2006
Spiral 1
- Feature Freeze: October 30th, 2005
- Beta Rollout: October 30th, 2005
- Numerous minor feature/report enhancements for DCDI and other fall competitions
- General support for the fall competitions.
While I got a lot of useful new views created for competition administrators, not a lot of real development occured.
Spiral 2: FloorCraft: Proof of Concept
- Feature Freeze: December 31st, 2005
- Beta Rollout: December 31st, 2005
- Get a Java development environment working -- done
- Learn basics of Swing -- done
- Explore a rudimentary version of FloorCraft -- done
- Continued maintainence and upkeep of existing and opening competitions -- done
This was mainly time for learning and exploring Java after many years away from it.
Spiral 3: Floor Craft -- Concept to Alpha
- Feature Freeze: February 28th, 2006
- Beta Rollout: February 28th, 2006
- Add/Remove Sessions -- done (0.1.0)
- Add/Remove Events -- done (0.1.0)
- Rename Sessions -- done (0.1.0)
- Load/Save Competition -- done (0.1.0)
- Populate default schedule -- done (0.1.1)
- Re-order Sessions -- done (0.1.2)
- Day start time -- done (scheduled for 0.1.3)
- Allow editing of event size -- done (scheduled for 0.1.3)
- Convert double list to tree view -- (scheduled for 0.1.4)
- Listen for keyboard events -- (scheduled for 0.1.5)
- Context Menu -- (scheduled for 0.1.6)
- UI cleanup -- (scheduled for 0.2.0 Alpha)
noneSpiral 4: FloorCraft -- Alpha to Beta (Releas?)
- Feature Freeze: May 1st, 2006
- Beta Rollout: May 1st, 2006
- Dance Filtering in EventCreatorDialog
- "Constant" Editting
- Printing
- ...
noneIncrement 4: Return to CIB/SD Web
Increment Deadlines
- Feature Freeze: June 1st, 2006
- Live Rollout: July 1st, 2006
Spiral 1:Postponed From Increment 2, Spiral 2
- Feature Freeze: May 15th, 2006
- Beta Rollout: June 1st, 2006
- Removal of Back Button Prohibition, planned fix also addresses this bug
- Information Export: Chester, CompMngr
None.Spiral 2: CIB Central — User Portal Registration
- Feature Freeze: June 1st, 2006
- Beta Rollout: June 15th, 2006
- Decision on User Portal Registration v Team v SD
- User Portal Registration