Ballroom Competition Planning and Execution
Ballroom Competition Planning and Execution
SlidingDoors Features
- Event registration by couples
- Easily review all registrations for a given person, regardless of the number of partners
- Statistic pages, viewable by affiliation,event,summary,leader,follower
- Enforced policy page clicktrhough
- Customizable theme
- Customizable form elements for registrants (Comp Coordinator may choose which elements they want their registrants to entre from this list):
- Name (first, last)
- Affiliation
- Fee Category(Student,Adult,etc)
- Package
- Birthyear
- USABDA Number
- Phone number
- Address
- Group Management Pages
- Affiliation Invoice (web and pdf)
- Group Member toggle, remove people from the affiliations payment list
- Auto-email a specified affiliation contact on member registration (coming soon)
- Team Match registration (coming soon)
- After comp, email affiliations results (coming soon)
- Compeitition Coordinator/Registrar Tools
- Assign Group Passwords
- Assign Competition Numbers (in alpha test)
- View invoice totals by affiliation (coming soon)
- View incomplete/double registrations (coming soon)
- Competitor lookup and edit
- Email all competitors/all affiliation contacts
- Update Message of the Day