Ballroom Competition Planning and Execution
Development History for Summer 2005-Present Day
You can browse the Timeline for a more summary view or for "ancient" history. The Roadmap shows future development activity that upon completion is moved to these historic listing.
Increment 1: CIB Central services
Increment Deadlines
- Feature Freeze: July 15thJuly 1st, 2005
- Live Rollout: August 1st, 2005
Spiral 1: Result Tracker, Team Management, Announcements, New Theme
- Feature Freeze: June 30th, 2005
- Beta Rollout: July 1st, 2005
- Result Tracker: views — done
- Result Tracker: "CIBified Chester Results" import — done
- Team Admin: Reg Email Policies — done
- Team Admin: Edit Member — done
- Announcements: Display — done
- Announcements: Admin edit/remove/post — done
- Announcements: Calandar post-ng hookup — done
- Announcements: SD Admin hookup — done
The code for this spiral was finished about 10 days early.
Spiral 2: Team Management, User/"person" sychronization
- Feature Freeze Cut-off: July 15thJune 30th, 2005
- Beta Rollout: July 15thJuly 1st, 2005
- Team Admin: Edit Contact Information — done (2005-06-21)
- Team Admin: Grant/Revoke Permissions — done (2005-06-26)
- Team Admin: Invoice Display — done (2005-06-27)
- Team Admin: Invoice Member Management — (2005-06-28)
- User: Account Creation Bug-fix — done (2005-06-21)
- User: Request team membership — done (2005-06-30)
- User: Request user/person sychronization — (2005-06-30)
This spiral is being bumped up two weeks and shorted into the 10 days remaining in Spiral 1 to streamline the beta roll-outs. The Beta Test is likely be delayed a few days. I was hoping to move the domain to a seperate IP and get SSL configured before the beta test, but the migration to a seperate IP is currently held up and I'm not sure how long the DNS changeover will take at this point -- coding is still on-track to meet the milestone.
Further update on new beta server — the new ip has been assigned but the DNS change over will take a few more days. I can log into the server by IP to start getting things set up, but web requests can't reach it via IP due to some of the aliases going on.
Code finished June 30, 2005. Awaitinng DNS issues for Beta.
Increment 2: Registration Features
Spiral 1: SlidingDoors — Password
- Feature Freeze: July 15th, 2005
- Beta Rollout: July 15th, 2005
- Decision on how this plays with team registration — done (2005-07-04)
- Doubled Footer — done (2005-07-03)
- Password Generation/Forgotten Password — done (2005-07-03)
- Password Sign-on — done (2005-07-04)
- Revision to partner name matches, planned solution should address this bug and this bug — done (2005-07-11)
Two weeks taken from Increment 1. Split orginal spiral 1 here into 1 and 2 to give more time to some of these harder changes. Code completed on-time.
Beta from increment one is being combined with this spiral..
Spiral 2: Sliding Doors — Bugs
Test Driven Development begun: I've started developing using the TDD paradigm. Getting used to it put a dent in my productivity, but I think its worth it to have well tested and easily testable components. I've also begun a parallel documentation effort, as shown by the link to the "Official Documentation" in the sidebar. So while progress has been slow on features its been high on infrastructure.
- Feature Freeze:July 31stAug 15th, 2005
- Beta Rollout: July 31stAug 15th, 2005
- Null Bug— done (2005-07-11)
- Removal of Back Button Prohibition, planned fix also addresses this bug
- Information Export: Lists done (2005-07-31) , Chester, CompMngr, 3S done (IlyZislin 2005-09-19)