Ballroom Competition Planning and Execution
Current: SlidingDoors improvements: password, info export, name-collisions, removal of back-button prohibition
June 2005: ResultTracker and Team-based Registration; Home Page redesign; User management and permissions rework
December 2004: Initial work on team-based registration and team directories
October 2004: Version 2 of central database rolled out to production; PayPal payment options, more sophisticated paypment tracking, registration auditting, arbitrary numbers of registration deadlines.
August 2003: Stats display rework, Age-level support added. Version 2 of the central database spec in development. PrepStep pages nearing completion. Impetus for agelevel work -- Brooklyn College and MAC 2004.
March 2003: Admin scripts used on the backend -- number assignment, printed program inserts, Chester/COMPMNGR data exports -- web admin section further refined. PrepStep pages under active developmnet.
September 2002: CompInaBox "Core" glue code developed to control user access to restricted portions. Admin operations of SlidingDoors increased.
July 2002: Initial proof of concepts of PrepStep for both backend scripts and web page mockups.
February 2002: SlidingDoors began its second round of Beta testing, after a complete rewrite, found useable and used at the 2002 MIT competition.
February 2001: SlidingDoors began its first round of Beta testing, was found too slow under realistic load.
December 2000: The competition database scheme was first published.
September 2000: The CompInaBox project is born after a meeting of Boris Berdnikov, Warren Dew, Dave Leung, Eric Nielsen, Thomas Nugent, and Tuan Phan. CIB was to grow to replace Dave's OpenTelemark/OpenImpetus family of registration software and Warren's Chester scrutineering tool. A relational database was chosen to serve as the primarily communication channel for inter-module data exchange.