Ballroom Competition Planning and Execution
Ballroom Competition Planning and Execution
ContraCheck Summary
ContraCheck is the name of the registration checker component of CiB. It is currently only used as part of SlidingDoors, but will be pulled out to an independant modules in the near future. ContraCheck can enforce three classes of rules:
- No Double Registrations -- No person may be registered for the same event twice
- Comp Policy Rules -- Rules (often based on the package purchased by the competitor (examples shown below, this is customizeable))
- Only one level per dance
- Only two levels per style
- Only 2 levels overall, but Novice doesn't count if Gold or PreChamp is danced
- Only Newcomer events
- You may/may not break these rules if you change roles, ie a person may dance in two different levels if leading in one and following in the other.
- Person Eligibility -- retrieve past results from a national db of comp results and check for eligibility according to the comp's policy.(NOT IMPLEMENTED
AT PRESENT, not national DB to query) If a national, queriable db is created then the following operations would be possible (a given competition may choose
which model to use)
- Only show events for which the couple is eligible based on YCN(or USABDA) points
- Show all events, but test against DB on registration, if violating a rule, send an email to the comp organizer with a challenge from the registrant as to why the database is wrong
- Ignore the national db
The name ContraCheck was chosen to preserve the family heritage of using ballroom dance step names for the registration software. The first code in this family was OpenTelemark, which became OpenImpetus. ContraCheck continues this series and sounds quite appropriate.